Workshop: Open Emacs Workshop (join anytime)

An introduction to the Lispers' editor of choice

Emacs is far more than just an editor. Its versatility by means of its powerful extension language Emacs Lisp makes it suitable for a wide range of tasks. We'll teach you how!

In this workshop you'll learn how to get started with Emacs from a blank slate. We'll introduce you to the basic concepts of the system, how to edit text (notes, prose and source code alike), as well as how to find install and customize extensions. If time permits we'll demonstrate how Emacs can be used for email, file or task management, presentations and even gaming. Be sure to bring your laptop!


Tag: 25.08.2012
Anfangszeit: 16:30
Dauer: 02:00
Raum: C116/Lisp
Track: Lisp
Sprache: en



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