Vortrag: How Gamification changes the world

Gamification can motivate people to make the world a better place, we. In this interactiv and multimedial Talk we show you how

Foldit or Volkswagen, companies and communities use gamification to make the world a better place. How does this work, why is gamification the answer to one of the most fasinating tasks of our times: create motivation an target it into the right direction,.
In this talk we talk about motivation, where does it come from, what types of motiviation do we know, how can we generate and use it, and what information technologiy can do.
We will make a little trip back in time, where motivations where much more related to just to survive, over the times where religion was a main driver in our culture sphere and gave us hope for a better live after death and more. Today where scepticism on one hand and REIZÜBERFLUTUNG on the other makes it difficult to attrac attention and generate motivation (at least if not sex, money and rockn roll is not in the game).
We will make a trip into our minds to find out what motivates us. By showing some facts, underlined by show some videos and games we will explain what gamification can do and try to involve the audience in the talk, which – if we are successfull – is nothing more or less than a part of the game.


Tag: 26.08.2012
Anfangszeit: 16:30
Dauer: 01:00
Raum: HS5
Track: other



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