Vortrag: Log management with Graylog2

Manage your logs in the dark and have lasers going and make it look like you're from space

Graylog2 is an easy to use free and open source log management system that allows you to centralize your logging and use it to monitor your systems on a deep level, extract security and business information, and much more.

Lennart is the developer of Graylog2 and started the project in 2010. He is developing Graylog2 at XING since this year after the project gained more and more attention from administrators, developers and especially the devops scene. We use it at XING to manage thousands of log lines per second and even gain business information from it.

In this talk I will give you an introduction about Graylog2, show you why centralized logging is important and how we and others use Graylog2.

More information about Graylog2 at http://www.graylog2.org/


Tag: 25.08.2012
Anfangszeit: 14:00
Dauer: 01:00
Raum: HS4
Track: Systemadministration
Sprache: en




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