Version 2.1_second_flush

Vortrag: "Day 2 Ops" Linux for Kubernetes and Container Workloads

Leveraging 10 years of Container Linux experience for painless, zero-touch cluster operation

More than ten years ago, CoreOS released the first Container Optimised Linux. Flatcar Container Linux, CoreOS' spiritual successor, incorporates a decade of operational experience, and focuses as much on processes as it does on technology.

On Day 0, everything is exciting! It is the time of minimal viable prototypes and closed Alphas, with only the most daring of early adopters on-boarding. Day 1 is when code meets reality, code matters most, and projects still move fast and break a lot. Day 2 is all about steady-state, with well-defined processes replacing the need for coding rushes.

In this talk, we present processes and operational practices for a "day 2" Linux operating system to run Container and Kubernetes workloads at scale - with examples and a few demos on Flatcar Container Linux.


Tag: 17.08.2024
Anfangszeit: 16:30
Dauer: 01:00
Raum: HS3
Track: System Administration
Sprache: en


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